The first website specifically designed to help undergraduate and graduate students find a Black Church

We believe a village is essential to undergraduate and graduate matriculation

We believe in communion and mimosas!



Click Here to view The Village video!

The Village of The Black Church Student is a program that connects students with families attending Black churches near their college/university.  We want to create a space where students have a support system away from home that genuinely cares for their spiritual and emotional being. The Village is comprised of families that have a seat at their table to raise up the next generation. Oh, and a meal outside of the cafe every now and then never hurts. 


If you are a student and interested, fill out the form below and email it to [email protected]. We will contact you within 1-2 business days.

 Student Form

Churches/Worship Centers

We understand intentional and safe relationships between students and congregants tend to be more effective with retaining students after their initial visit.  We desire to build a community of churches that foster the opportunity of inter-generational support. If you already have an established college/young adult ministry, consider adding this program as a way to connect your upcoming high school seniors that are traveling away from home to other churches in their college community. 


If you are interested, fill out the form below and email it to [email protected]. We will contact you within 1-2 business days.

Church/Worship Center Form


One common prayer for most parents is to have their child stay connected to a body of believers that will watch over, mentor, and guide the student during their college experience.  We want the same! Our goal is to foster relationships as early as senior year in high school. The Village of Black Church Student team and the church of choice will do our best to make sure we help create a safe relationship for your student that lasts.


If you are interested, fill out the form below and email it to [email protected]. We will contact you within 1-2 business days.

Parent/Guardian Form (For Students Under 18)

Church/Worship Center Families  

Do you have a heart for young people? Is there room at your table to feed a young person spiritually and physically? This program will be a wonderful fit for you! It gives you the opportunity to lift the young people as they climb through these early decades of adulthood.

If you are interested, fill out the form below and email it to [email protected]. We will contact you within 1-2 business days.

Family Form

The forms can be instantly sent via email if you download the free Adobe Acrobat Reader